General Discussion

Java Applet Localisation for Persian (Farsi) Languge
User: mrt_doulaty
Date: 4/22/2015 12:59 pm
Views: 10277
Rating: 1


I've attached the localised version of the Java applet for Persian (Farsi) language. I think the next step is to have 50 prompts to begin with. Is that correct? And what's after that?

(please let let me know if the applet was okay, in terms of encoding and etc.)

VoxForge.txt VoxForge.txt
Re: Java Applet Localisation for Persian (Farsi) Languge
User: kmaclean
Date: 4/22/2015 2:13 pm
Views: 114
Rating: 1

>I've attached the localised version of the Java applet for Persian (Farsi)


It's not displaying correctly for me - try saving as UTF-8 text file and resubmitting or pasting as HTML in a reply to this message.

>. I think the next step is to have 50 prompts to begin with. Is that correct?

Yes.   Try to create sentences with range of words that cover the most of the phonemes in Farsi.  Project Gutenberg might have some Out of Copyright texts that you can use.

>And what's after that?

also need translations of the Home page, the Read page and the thankyou page after a submission

Re: Java Applet Localisation for Persian (Farsi) Languge
User: mrt_doulaty
Date: 4/25/2015 9:33 am
Views: 64
Rating: 1

I've re-saved it again with UTF-8 encoding and attached it with this message. Just in case, here is an alternative link to download: 

I'll try to select the first 50 prompts and finish the remaining traslations by the end of next week.



VoxForge.txt VoxForge.txt
Re: Java Applet Localisation for Persian (Farsi) Languge
User: mrt_doulaty
Date: 4/25/2015 10:24 am
Views: 50
Rating: 1

here is the first 50 prompts


VoxForgePrompts.txt VoxForgePrompts.txt
Re: Java Applet Localisation for Persian (Farsi) Languge
User: mrt_doulaty
Date: 4/25/2015 10:40 am
Views: 61
Rating: 1

and here is the rest of pages:

home page

VoxForge-HomePage.txt VoxForge-HomePage.txt
Re: Java Applet Localisation for Persian (Farsi) Languge
User: kmaclean
Date: 4/25/2015 2:18 pm
Views: 70
Rating: 1

>home page

can't read this one... don't think it is in UTF-8 (the other ones are OK)

Update: Oops, it would not display for me when reading in Browser, but works OK if I download and read with a text editor

BTW: does Farsi read from right to left?

Re: Java Applet Localisation for Persian (Farsi) Languge
User: mrt_doulaty
Date: 4/25/2015 2:40 pm
Views: 186
Rating: 1

I've attached it again

(it was utf-8 before, but without bom, anyway, it's now utf-8 and exactly the same as others)

yes, Persian (Farsi) is written from right-to-left, like Arabic and Hebrew.

the first line of VoxForge-Read.txt should look like this:

VoxForge-HomePage.txt VoxForge-HomePage.txt
Re: Java Applet Localisation for Persian (Farsi) Languge
User: mrt_doulaty
Date: 4/25/2015 10:57 am
Views: 63
Rating: 1

read prompts page

VoxForge-Read.txt VoxForge-Read.txt
Re: Java Applet Localisation for Persian (Farsi) Languge
User: mrt_doulaty
Date: 4/25/2015 11:07 am
Views: 165
Rating: 1

and the ThankYou page...

VoxForge-ThankYou.txt VoxForge-ThankYou.txt
Re: Java Applet Localisation for Persian (Farsi) Languge
User: mrt_doulaty
Date: 4/27/2015 4:49 pm
Views: 61
Rating: 1

can you confirm that everything from my side is now provided and all are okay?
